The Benefits of Retail Mezzanine Floors

As we have spoken about many times in the past, mezzanine floors present a lot of benefits for businesses looking to use their space more effectively. Not many people know, however, that retail businesses can employ mezzanine floors to improve their trade.

Here at Doity Engineering Ltd, we have experience in the manufacture, supply, and installation of mezzanine floors for many clients in many sectors. We use this valuable experience to speak about the benefits of retail mezzanine floors in our latest blog below.


As a business owner, keeping costs down is something that plays a part in every decision made. It’s your responsibility, then, to maximise the impact those funds make in order to bring about the most benefit for your company.

For businesses that are outgrowing their space, most people immediately consider moving to a new location, but this is one of the most expensive undertakings for a business. There are costs of increased rent/mortgage payments, increased utility costs, downtime, the potential of losing customers, transporting goods, and much more. However, if you follow the route of mezzanine floors, you can invest in your current space and reduce expenditure greatly, all while being able to hold onto existing customers and stick to a known location.


To compound the money-saving benefits of choosing retail mezzanine floors over relocation, there is the fact that a mezzanine floor can help you make more money. In theory, the more real estate available, the more products that can be showcased, and then (ideally) the more money there is to be made through sales. This is not always accurate, but you certainly increase the chances of this happening by increasing the square footage of your retail location.

Design and Layout

With extra space to play with, you can really experiment and get creative with your retail space. This installation is the perfect opportunity to improve layout, style, function, and more, turning your retail space into a multi-floor retail experience, improving your store. This can be a great pull for customers as they are much more likely to spend more money in a space they feel has been well thought out, with the consumer in mind, and is impressive and reflective of the great brand of the shop and the great products on the shelves.


If all of the aforementioned isn’t enough, you have the added benefit of flexibility to sweeten the deal of retail mezzanine floors. This takes form in many different ways, such as expansion or contraction with your business and requirements. There is also the fact that mezzanine floors – although sturdy and considered – are not always permanent, which means you can take them with you and reinstall in a new space if you decide to move premises. Of course, it can remain in its current space, but it could continue to be useful beyond this.

Tailored to You and Your Business

When it comes to mezzanine floors, the benefits and the options generally extend as far as your requirements, intentions, or imagination. They are so flexible and beneficial, they can make sense for almost any business – which is part of the reason that every project is different from the next and each bespoke to the applicable customer – with only the best practices remaining between each.

Doity Engineering Ltd

To learn more about mezzanine floors, contact Doity Engineering Ltd today. We are the manufacturers and suppliers of the Revlok mezzanine, which is a revolution in the industry.

You can contact us by calling 01706 646971 or filling out our simple contact form.

mezzanine floor design


If you’re considering a mezzanine floor for your premises, get in touch with the team here at Doity Engineering. Our team are more than happy to discuss our products and solutions with you.

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