Here’s Why Mezzanine Floors Make the Best Storage Platforms

Mezzanine floors are useful for a lot of different things, but perhaps the most important of those is a storage platform. As a business grows, their need for space often grows too, leading to exploring the best option to expand their space in fitting with their budget and growing business. A mezzanine floor is the perfect option for growing businesses in need of more space, but also provides much more than that.

Here at Doity Engineering Ltd, we provide the Revlok Mezzanine floor, which is an innovative take on the traditional mezzanine floor that helps businesses make the most of their space. We use this expertise to explain just why mezzanine floors are perfect for storage platforms in our latest blog post below.


Space is, ultimately, the deciding factor in a business exploring the option of a mezzanine floor. They need more space to accommodate a growing workforce, a developing production line, a new product, or in this case, extra real estate for storing products and parts.

Business owners can often fall into the trap of first considering a complete relocation when they deem their current residence insufficient. However, this comes at great expense and the process of relocating an entire business – including products, production lines, staff, and everything else – is nothing short of a logistical nightmare.

The beauty of a mezzanine floor is that it is designed to fit into your existing workplace, which means it can incorporate all of the details you need it to without compromise. In most cases, floor space can be essentially doubled by a mezzanine floor and there are even examples of two and three storey mezzanines fitting into certain situations.

This helps enormously with getting more out of your current setup and being able to create a storage platform that is adaptable and built to your requirements. This, therefore, also means that you can grow or shrink your mezzanine if and when your business needs, only paying for what you can afford and only using what you need.


As we just touched on, the beauty of a mezzanine floor is that it’s designed specifically for you, your workplace, and the requirements of your company. That means that your mezzanine floor could begin life as a storage platform to accommodate stock and parts, but could grow to include additional office space – perhaps removing the need for other residence and allowing you to house your business under one roof, improving synergy.

The opportunities are truly endless and specifically tailored around you to ensure you are getting the most from your installation. This is perfect as businesses grow, which doesn’t happen overnight, so you can stagger your mezzanine floor to grow in size as a storage platform as your capacity increases and your requirements change. This staggering of work means you are also only paying for what you can afford at the time, which is far more sustainable than the traditional route of relocating and, often, drastically increasing your outgoings on premises etc.

Strong and Secure

A common misconception is that mezzanine floors won’t work as storage platforms because they are flimsy, but with modern technology, this is no longer true. The Revlok Mezzanine floor is a prime example of this as it makes the most of the strength and security of modern mezzanine floors – made from steel supports and 38mm high-density particleboard. Many mezzanine floors also allow the option of fire protection, which is not often what customers expect but is just the reality of the technology we have access to today.

Financially Viable

Finances play a key role in decisions at the top level of a business. When it comes to choosing the right storage option for your business, this won’t change. However, perhaps one of the most financially viable options for increasing storage space is with a storage platform mezzanine floor.

As aforementioned, you can build your mezzanine around your budget to help alleviate the common growing business problem of ‘too much, too fast’. You are also likely saving yourself money in the long-run by investing in your business now. This is true because relocating a business, especially to larger (and therefore likely more expensive) building is a greater financial burden than installing a mezzanine floor.


Other than relocating, an option commonly explored for increasing storage space is looking toward storage facilities. These self-contained units are growing in popularity with business owners and the domestic public alike.

However, consider the further logistical complication of storing things off-site. Depending on your business and what you’re moving away from your premises, this could cost serious time and money and will also present a new hassle that you don’t need. A storage platform, however, alleviates this as all of your storage remains on one site and under the same roof.

Bespoke for Your Business

There are a plethora of different benefits that present themselves when you consider a mezzanine floor for your storage platform. They stretch far and wide, but mainly centre around how bespoke a mezzanine floor can be for you and your business. The business model is centred directly around providing what’s best for the customer, in the best time, with the best quality, at a price they can afford, so it just makes sense.

Doity Engineering Ltd

If you would like to contact Doity Engineering Ltd about our Revlok Mezzanine floor, please contact us by calling 01706 646971 or filling out our simple contact form and a member of our team will be able to help with your enquiry.

mezzanine floor design


If you’re considering a mezzanine floor for your premises, get in touch with the team here at Doity Engineering. Our team are more than happy to discuss our products and solutions with you.

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