A Guide to the CE Marking

The CE marking is an indication of conformity to European standards for health, safety, and environmental protection legislation, detailed in the ‘product directive’. CE marking is a legal requirement for products to gain access to EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and the European Union Market.

Here at Doity Engineering Ltd, our products are CE marked to ensure their quality and safety, which is why we guide you through all you need to know about CE marking in our blog post below.


The CE marking has operated in its current form since 1985 to show that a product complies with EU legislation.

The CE itself is from 1985 and is an abbreviation of ‘Conformité Européenne’, which is French for European Conformity.


As mentioned above, the importance of CE marking is that it signifies that manufacturers and importers claim to comply with the relevant legislation for health, safety, and environmental protection, but can also cover quality and performance for some products in the directive.

The marking acts as a declaration of conformity from manufacturers and importers, regardless of the country of origin of a product, and means the manufacturer/importer takes sole responsibility for this compliance.

There are certain groups of products that must have a CE marking, which you can find on the government’s products that need CE marking page.


A CE marking is a legal requirement that is necessary for a product to access the EFTA and European Union Market – or, products sold in the European Economic Area (EEA). The idea is to regulate the products that are traded throughout Europe.

In the event of a CE marking being used and there is an imminent safety risk, the member state has control over the punishment, which can lead to a fine or even imprisonment.

Product Directive

A ‘product directive’ is a document that details the essential requirements, performance levels, and harmonised standards that needs conforming to for CE-marked products.

Doity Engineering Ltd

If you’re looking for mezzanine flooring that uses products with the CE marking, look no further than Doity Engineering Ltd. We are located in Rochdale and help customers nationwide increase their floor space. You can read more about our CE marked products on our standards page.

You can enquire by calling us on 01706 646971 or filling out our simple contact form and a member of our friendly, knowledgeable team will be able to help.

mezzanine floor design


If you’re considering a mezzanine floor for your premises, get in touch with the team here at Doity Engineering. Our team are more than happy to discuss our products and solutions with you.

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